How to Set up Python Environment on Windows

How to Set up Python Environment on Windows


2 min read

Setting up a python environment is hard for beginners.

In this blog, I am going to teach you how to set up your own Python environment.

Step 1: Go to

  • Download the latest Python version and wait for the download to finish.

Python Version: Python 3.9.5


Step 2: Open the Python 3.9.5

Note: Make sure that "Add Python 3.9 to PATH" is check


  • Wait for the download to be completed and click the "Close" button after the installation.


Step 3: Choosing an IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

  • An IDE makes it easier for programmers to write their codes with tools for software testing and writing.

  • For this tutorial, we are going to use PyCharm Community which is free.

To download PyCharm go to:

Click the "Download" button and wait for the download to finish.


Step 4: Open the PyCharm Community file that you download.

You will see this welcome page for the installation and then click the "Next" button.


  • In this section, you can customize the destination folder for the installation.

  • For the sake of this tutorial, we are going to choose the default destination folder.

Click the "Next" button.


  • For the installation options, makes sure that the

"Add launchers dir to the PATH" is check

  • You can include the other options if you want, but I will only include the ".py" extension.

Click the "Next" button.


  • Choose "JetBrains" as the default start menu folder.

Click the "Install" button.


  • PyCharm will start installing all the necessary files needed.


  • After completing the PyCharm Community Edition installation, you can either choose to "Reboot now" or "I want to manually reboot later".

  • For the sake of this tutorial, I will choose "Reboot now" to test if PyCharm is working just fine.

  • After choosing your desired option, click the "Finish" button.


  • That's it! After a reboot, launch PyCharm, create a project, and wait for the extra files to be downloaded.

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